Saturday, January 31, 2009


I went to the eye doctor on Monday. I was looking at the chart on the wall with all the parts of the eye labeled and I wondered... You see, I had just been reading, and two of the books I had read in the days before had characters that gave me some mysterious questions to ponder. In one book (A Gracious Plenty, by Sheri Reynolds) the protagonist was the caretaker at a cemetery and she could see and talk to the dead people. I need to mention that the author presented a fascinating concept of life after death in this novel. But my pondering is about the ability to see beyond the physical world and if it might very well be possible to explain how this is possible scientifically.

I was with Elsina when she went to get her Lasik surgery on Thursday and I was looking at the same eye poster on the wall and the tech-dude said there were a million-plus nerves between the eye and the brain. I'm thinking it wouldn't be too far-fetched to consider that one or two of those nerves could be triggered to see beyond what we ordinarily see.

The other book is The Illuminator, by Brenda Rickman Vantrease (A pretty good read about the 1300's and John Wycliffe's influence on people's perception of their relationship with God, through priests and otherwise. The Illuminator is the artist that painted the fancy lettering and edging for the translated verses of scripture. John Wycliffe was translating scripture into English for the common man.) One of the characters in this book had the ability to see auras around people. One very gruesome man had no light around him, meaning he basically had no soul. She knew when someone was pregnant because she could see two lights around them and the color of the lights had meaning. Once again, I wonder if it's possible to attach a biological explanation to this "gift". To me it seems quite logical that a simple twist in the wiring of our brain's connection to light, reflection, refraction, as well as a finely-tuned, ultra-sensitive awareness to one's own spiritual feelings could very well provide evidence for the reality of such "gifts".

Watching Elsina's procedure was fascinating! I just turned 49-years-old and I remember when contact lenses were a big deal. The technology was star trek at its finest. Remember when the doctors on Star Trek would just wave their little machine over the body and heal people? That's pretty much what happened here. We have this amazing technology and yet we still have mystery. What would life be like without it?

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